Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The 'R' word has been pronounced at the tip of the tongue so much so that it is possibly the most used word in the recent times. Businesses across all sectors ranging from Automobile to high tech industries have taken a backseat in the race to clinch the super power status.Expenditure has been cut down accompanied by huge down sizing in work force.There is no second thought that this is one of the worst economic situations in history. What once stood as super structures has just been vandalised like the sands being washed away by the sea waves. It is imperative that we remind ourselves that this crisis has happened in an age where there has been ample advancement in every aspect of life and every method deployed has stood the test of experiments of several research programmes. Facts being so it is vital that we assess the root causes for such a downfall.
Large Businesses are very unlikely to undergo changes overnight because they keep their fundamentals quite intact and in complete control.This is quite analogous to a big rock which does not whether for ages. However past few months witnessed sudden fall big banks filing bankruptcy which consequently has long standing repercussions to this day each one bailing out a day after the other.What is quite evident boils down to simple statement that what we see and hear needn't really be the truth for the rock can be hollow.
Over the past century several economies have turned to capitalism. Progress achieved a new speed with the advent of capitalism.Advancement of technology,cut throat competition are few aspects that characterize capitalism.Although it is a goody bag it carries with itself a Pandora's box of troubles. It no doubt led to a dog eat dog meat world, pulverised socialist pattern in several societies, crumpled diversity that hitherto coexisted well inter twined. The solution is however not to rescind to historical way of dealing things but to derive a lesson or two from pages of the past.A gift pack of security policies shall quarantine the fear among people. Reformation and galloping ahead has always been the key to bounce back to speed. An alloy of socialism and capitalism shall get the bull up and running.As to when we are gonna see better days is mostly unanswered. But as Andy Dufrense says in Shawshank Redemption, lets hope for the best.Hope is a good things that never dies.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post.. Loved the fact that you got in Shawshank.. Blog more often.
