Saturday, August 7, 2010

Inflated life

Its been almost a fortnight since I got to scribble in my page. I did quite a bit of reading in the meanwhile. Of late I've become a great fan of Frontline magazine. This is one magazine that has managed to get me hooked on to. The thoroughness of the details vetted out just amazes me.There is a perfect threading through facts, reasoning,impact analysis etc.
One of the recent editions published showcased some of the worst consequences of rising inflation. The cover picture itself was enough help imagine worst that could happen to human and an urban lad like me could never think of. The recent hike in the fuel prices, though defended with excuses by the game rulers, harshly pinches the stomach of the have nots. The tax reliefs that was announced earlier in the financial year, that gave a cushion for the middle class, the several subsidies for industries and cut on duties directly or indirectly has largely been responsible in the driving the price hikes.In essence the burden that was shared by the middle class has been multiplied and shifted down the economic hierarchy. Is this something justifiable? Well someone might justify in a particular context. But my question is is the exchequer so short of reserves that they need to sponge on the hungry ones? I just wonder..

I am not writing here to suggest fancy solutions that I think will work. One thing I can say for sure is that we are exactly in the wrong direction if we plan to head towards socio-economic equality. I do hope that the predictions of those who say inflation would drop to single digits will become true very soon, I do hope that we begin to align our policies with our goals and head in the right direction. I hope..